I believe, with every essence in my body, that it has become our moral duty to live a life in which we can save our traditions, take a step back to a slower time with quality products that last longer, waste less, and create livelihoods. As industry standards have lowered their prices and thus their costing’s, paying less than minimum wage, we have chosen and continue to choose people over profits.
Paying our artisans and tailors a fair living wage and partnering with them to meet other respectful needs in our workshops is the standard by which we live.

It is not a choice but a necessity.
So accepting the above we have chosen to reduce our markup, to make it lower than industry standards, to enable and support our artisans and allow more of you to experience and support them also.
We operate how we want to live; with respect and love for the world and its people. If you want to be part of creating a better world, sustainable fashion is for you! With being more focused on sustainability and being part of this movement you can actually make a difference in this world. And as funny as that sounds, we can all make a difference, no matter how big or how small.
‘Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.’
- Rumi